Galleries verses Social Media

Gone are the days of being owned by Galleries

1. Social media verses Galleries

 Social Media is a game changer for increasing not only your reach but building real followers who can turn into potential buyers of your work. Gone are the days of being owned by Galleries. We can do it ourselves and have control over our own businesses and get to know our own customers in a real way and into the future. Who knows where it can lead.

2. Be authentic

Don't be afraid to show whats its really like to work in your studio. We are all a little bit nosey and love to see the process, warts and all. Before I decided to organise my first solo exhibition in Smock Alley in Dublin I had built a following on Social Media with my mural work. As I began to promote specifically for this Exhibition I channelled my energy into sharing my journey from Creating to Exhibition, not as a sales strategy but as a Community driven process. I cherish my followers and customers and wanted to share this new project with them. Little did I know it would have such a huge impact on my sales.

I discovered that being authentic and bringing people on the journey with me was very powerful

3. Sharing your journey

I discovered that being authentic and bringing people on the journey with me was very powerful. The level of engagement was off the charts. People love interacting and having a chat about your work and also how it makes them feel, thats what I have discovered. You can have a look at an in a IG that got allot of engagement here. This particular painting sold shortly after I posted this image.

4. Be consistent

Being consistent is very important, sharing a little bit every day can keep you in the forefront of peoples minds and helps slowly build a following. I try to post once a day although I know your supposed to potentially post three times a day. Personally I don't have time for this, so once or twice is what I strive for.

  Using Social Media is a real game changer

5. How to reach a new audience

 Social Media is a game changer for increasing not only your reach but building real followers who can turn into potential buyers of your work. Instagram is fantastic for reaching a new audience, and by the smart use of hashtags, profile descriptions and landing pages you can extend to new audiences and build an online following. It is also important yo use your Instagram page to link to your website, blog or shop. I use mine to show people what prints I have available on my website. Its a great opportunity to showcase your work in another way.  

6. use Instagram and Facebook together for maximum impact on your sales

It is a good idea to link your IG to Facebook when posting. This gives more opportunities for people to see your post and interact. I have driven sales from both platforms. Some days I might have several conversations going on both of these platforms. I actually love this and the I've made new friends who I chat with online each time I post a new painting. Being a Creative entrepreneur who usually works solo in a studio, can feel lonely and isolating. Social Media, specifically The Biscuit Community has opened up a whole new world for me and my work. I cannot emphasise enough how important Social Media is from both a selling perspective and a personal development / support perspective.

Fran Halpin